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Found a bug in "The Dive", specifically the Chapter Select file as I haven't had time yet to try with a long play file. After going down in the bell the first time and returning home I went to bed as usual. Upon waking up I found that the stack of pizza boxes had reappeared. At that point I should have been going to see Maya so I made a save file to test this and proceeded to eat this new stack of pizzas. Doing so put me in a food coma again as it had the first time as well as giving me another Cardboard. The next day the Quest Guide was still telling me to Quest Maya but I decided to first go check the teacher's desk in the English Class to see if I could get more Duct Tape, which I could not. I then continued the Quest as normal but with the extra Cardboard in my inventory.


not biologically related? BOOOOO

Where do I save my progress?

Press the escape key, should bring up the save menu

Is this for mobile, friend?


Is the Ms. L dream in act 2 an actual normal wet dream? I'm asking because the Kate and Jo ones before went from wet dreams to wet nightmares, but I don't see any trigger for that in this one

The unnerving narration if you do the wrong thing makes me think so but once again, don't see any trigger

Hwo do you play on android?

I just start the game and i wanna know some things..

You have s.x at any point on the game?

Where can i get the camera for the pics of the nurse?

Any recomendation for people that alr play?


1. Yes, there are multiple opportunities with most everyone you can encounter as of v1.44.1

2. Funnily enough the photo of the Nurse seems to have been printed off your smartphone... You just have to catch her in a compromising situation either during "Loser to the Rescue" or "Photogenic"

3. It really depends on what sort of person you would like to be. For me personally I'm quite partial to more vanilla wholesome stuff so I usually go after Flora or Lindsey. If you don't like anyone you meet in the first couple days you could always hold out on the romancing until Season 2 and go after Maya, though there isn't anywhere near as much stuff for her yet. If you like a good mystery there are also quite a number of hidden secrets around the school...






Bro chill, there are se Android ports, and they're not bad actually.

I have a somewhat a latest version of the game. It works fine.

Teach me ur ways

And sorry for the all caps I didn't notice it

Bro just type the game's name with apk at the end. simple. I'd recommend platinmods website tho.

also don't expect it to work perfectly, I do encounter crashes, and errors but rarely.

Sorry but i wanna ask something, You actually have s.x or not in the game?

How to save game i can i wonder how is it bc im playing in android?

To play on Android: You need JoiPlay with the RenPy plugin... It might not actually work as it should, thought. (it can get a bit buggy in some titles.)

There's a bug (i think) when you do wicked game i think thats the name but it involves kates music room party and if you want to go there you are chaught then you re enter the school but when I interacted with the box in the admin wing nothing happend and then I tried the nurse office or anything other then the main stairs and still there was nothing I could do but go home. I got caught by the guard and I did get back in the school trough Maxine but yet still nothing that would progress that quest for me.


Hello again! First things first, I was unable to recreate a scenario in which I was locked out of completing the Quest, so let's see if we can figure it out. I'm assuming you talked to the nurse and didn't ask to borrow her costume, had you done so you should have found yourself carried (inside the box) to the party. If that is correct then the Nurse should have pushed you into her office in order to hide you from Kate and her friends, at which point you should no longer see the box in the hall. If that is what you did and you still see the box then it is a bug, however you may still be able to complete the Quest if you have a save and wish to try again. Just go into the Nurse's Office during that portion of the Quest and Interact with the bed and you will make your own costume which upon acquiring will disable the Guard and allow you into the upstairs and then the party. Hopefully this was of some use to you, good luck!

(1 edit)

It was a bug because the nurse never appeared. now i replayed it and the nurse appears near the box. maybe some quest related for the nurse to appear there because i saw the strike notepad on her desk when i tried to talk to her hours before the party started

Interesting. I haven't really looked into that route with the Nurse yet so that could explain why I couldn't recreate your issue. It just goes to show that even after 2319 hours I still haven't seen everything that they have put into this game.


Also, now that I've reached the current end game, I've got some general criticisms (although I get that solutions for these might be difficult to implement) :

* The day & time system is greatly underexploited : For one, the school routine feels meaningless. Like, the fact that there actually aren't lessons taking place in this school make it feel pretty fake. There could be a game mechanic where you gain stat points by attending lessons (INTELLECT for English and Science, CHARISMA for Painting and Music, STRENGTH for Gym and Swimming, something like that). On top of making the choice of which lesson to sign for more important, it would give us a reason to go to school other than progressing quests, because it feels pretty immersion-breaking to just, for example : wake up, go to school, have ONE dialogue with a girl, and then go back to bed because we need to wait a day to progress the quest line, which is a situation I've encountered more and more often as the game progressed.
Another idea to make the days more meaningful would be to implement some sort of self-care mechanic (ex : having to drink and pee at least twice a day otherwise our character stops functioning  ;  having to shower every now and then because some character react badly to our odor if we don't  ;  maybe having to actually think about what outfit to pick in the morning, and not just during special events…). It would fit well with the theme of "loser guy gets a second chance at life and decides to become a decent human being".
Also why is there no week-ends in this world ? Maybe I'm just being nitpicky here, but again it kinda breaks my immersion that the school still works no different than usual on Saturdays and Sundays.

* The audio feels pretty lacking compared to the visuals. A few more soundtracks would do a lot of good for the game's ambiance. Currently there are only 2 major soundtracks : Home and School. That's sad.
At the very least, there should be a soundtrack for when we're in the school building at night. It feels off to be sneaking in the dark while an upbeat tune plays.
A soundtrack for melancholic moments would also be appreciated.

* There are several clocks in the game (I've counted 3 in the school, 1 on the school, and one in our kitchen), but none of them change with the time of the day. That's bad. Don't put clocks in a game with a time system unless you make them follow the time.

Do you have s.x in the game? (Sorry i just start and i wanna know)

Yes. That's... I mean, how did you not know that ? It's a sex game.
There is a section on the game's page describing all of the sex kinks present in the game.

Switched from version 1.32.2 to version 1.44.1 after the [Hurricane Isabelle] quest. I found some more bugs/issues from here on out :

*#Serious Bug# If we try doing [Touched by an Angel] and [Hot my Bot] at the same time (both of which require sneaking in the school at 07:00 PM), they interfere with each other. Here is what happens :
First, the game follows the [Touched by an Angel] questline. We get a text saying "It's getting late. The Nurse said she would leave me a keycard somewhere in her office.", then the protagonist enters the building, then we get another text saying "Crap. It seems like the Guard is already making his rounds. I have to be quick before he gets back…".
Next, the game switches to following the [Hot my Bot] questline instead. We get a bunch of text starting with "It's been hard to focus since Mrs. L agreed to meet me tonight.", then the protagonist exits the building, then another bunch of text starting with "The sand crashes under my sneakers as I enter the dimly lit schoolyard.", then we regain control (Note : at this point, the Quest Guide locks every option except [Touched by an Angel], however it doesn't *switch* the selected option to [Touched by an Angel] if we currently have another one selected). Once we regain control, we have to enter the school building once again, which brings us face to face with the Guard who asks us what we're doing here. Regardless of how we reply, we end up outside the school building again. Then, we get a lot of text starting with "A few minutes pass as I wait for him to leave.", including the whole conversation between Mrs. L and the mystery person she doesn't get along with, and ends with "For now, I should get home before the Guard shows up again.". Then our protagonist is transported to his bedroom, we get a bunch of text, and then we regain control but at this point it's 08:00 PM and we can't leave our home, so we can only go to sleep. When we wake up, we get a bunch of text saying "Ugh… not a very restful sleep… But no dreams about Mrs. L last night, at least. Today, I ask her what the deal is."
And then, it seems like the game tries to forcefully continue the [Touched by an Angel] questline : The clock displays 07:00 AM, but our Action Bar is frozen (as usual during the special event of some quests). Everything is normal for this hour of the day (Flora and Jo are in the kitchen, the outside world has its usual daytime appearance…), except, the rooms inside of the school building have their nighttime appearance. Everything is normal otherwise. Isabelle is in the Entrance Hall, Maya and Maxine are on the First Floor, and the Nurse is in her office. We can interact normally with them and with every other object, but we're in the dark. Weirdly enough, the Cafeteria, the Homeroom, the Gym and the Roof (although not the Roof Landing) have their daytime appearance. It's also the case for the Music, English and Art classrooms as well as the Computer Room, but that might be because they don't have a nighttime appearance since they don't have windows. Everything else is in the dark though.
At that point, going to the Nurse's Office causes the [Touched by an Angel] questline to continue somewhat normally at first : We enter it and get the keycard (which, funnily enough, is mostly hidden under the Nurse's butt since she isn't supposed to be here). Then we go back to the Entrance Hall, which causes the Guard to camp next to the stairs to the Science Classroom. If we try sneaking past him, he notices us and… brings us back outside I think ? Except we just find ourselves inside the Entrance Hall again. If/Once we decide to try distracting him with his phone, we go to the Admin Wing to look for the book of numbers.
Aaaaaand that's where we get stuck. We're supposed to get the book by Interacting with the bookcase, but doing so only displays the usual messages from that bookcase (the ones when not doing the [Touched by an Angel] quest). We can't advance time and going to sleep does not change anything, so we can't progress the game anymore.

*#Bug# Something seems to have gone wrong during the transition between season 1 and season 2 in my playthrough. The characters look normal at first as interactible object, but when starting a conversation with them, some of the models that face us have problems : Maya's model is completely naked, Isabelle's model has an arm that's covered by her clothes (the clothes she wear are a layer above one of the arms, but not the other), Mrs.L's model is only wearing underwear (and during [Hot My Bot], when we meet her in the dream gym, she is fully naked instead of wearing her bikini), Maxine's model is missing her glasses, Jacklyn's model is missing her fishnets, and the outfit of Jo's model doesn't match the outfit her character wears as an interactible object. Although, in Jo's case, it had already started doing that during season 1 (I noticed there was something wrong with her model around the time we ask her permission to organize a party at school).
I tried saving the game then reloading, and even quitting and relaunching the game, but it didn't change to normal. However, when using Chapter Select to start a new playthrough at [Fall in Newfall], the models were loaded properly.
Note : Didn't notice any problem with the models of Kate, Flora, the Nurse, and the 3 cheerleaders.

*#Issue# The quest [Don Juan Quixote] normally proceeds like this : We hear from Flora that Maya is going to be living in our house for some time, then the following morning we meet Maya in the kitchen, then the next time we enter our bedroom we find Flora and Maya playing the XCube and a scene starts in which we learn that Maya and Flora broke the console. The dialogue starts with the text "Finally, some peace and quiet in my own r-".
The first problem is that this event happens even if we enter our bedroom at a time when Flora and Maya are supposed to be at school.
The second problem is that if we do a quest that causes us to be transported to our bedroom (such as [Hot my Bot], in which we go straight from the schoolyard to our bedroom at 08:00 PM), the scene doesn't trigger. Flora and Maya are present in the room, and we can talk to Flora as if we were talking to her anywhere else, but we can't talk to Maya and the scene doesn't start. Plus, the bedroom is in its daytime appearance, even if it's at a time when it should be in its nighttime appearance. Even if we go to sleep and wake up, it doesn't change, Flora and Maya are still here. The scene only triggers when entering the bedroom through the door, so we need to leave it and reenter.

*#Issue# After starting [Voluntary Good], the next time we come home, a scene triggers where Flora asks us "Where have you been all day?".
The first problem is that it happens even if come home at a time when she isn't supposed to be there.
The second problem is that she says that even if we come home long before the end of the day.
The third problem is that, when she asks us if we are doing volunteer work because of Lindsey, if we select {"Oh, my. Is that jealousy?"}, Jo shows up even if the conversation is taking place at a time when she isn't supposed to be there.
The fourth problem is that, if we select an option other than {"She needs me"}, Flora stays in the kitchen for as long as we don't leave, regardless of the time (even past midnight, and the kitchen keeps its daytime appearance too, and also Jo doesn't show up at the end of the day when she normally does).

*#Minor issue# In [Suitable Romance], we ask Maya to make us a suit. What's supposed to happen is we go to bed after asking her, and when we wake up the suit is on our chair and there is a text where the protagonist says that Maya must have deposited it there while we were sleeping.
However, if we do the ritual of [Spell You Later], we come back to our bedroom after midnight and the suit is already there (before we go to sleep), yet the same text still triggers after we go to sleep and wake up, with the protagonist being surprised and saying that Maya must have deposited it there while we were sleeping.

*#Minor issue# In [Suitable Romance], once we get our suit, Flora barges in our bedroom, says she learned that we are going to an art fair with Jacklyn and tells us not to go (this might only happen if we are in a romance with Flora though). If we have a high enough LOVE with Flora, we can tell her that we aren't going, which is followed by a scene where we hug her. In this scene we can see in the background that the walls of our bedroom still have posters on them, even if we have previously cleaned up the room.

*#Minor issue# At the start of [Touched by an Angel] (not sure what the conditions to start this quest are, but to me it happened 1 week after the start of season 2 while going for Lindsey's route), Jo delivers a message through the school's PA system as soon as we enter the building. Except, the event plays the same way regardless of the time of day, which poses 2 problems :
One, Jo is only present at school between 09:00 AM and 06:00 PM, so she shouldn't be here to deliver this message outside this time-frame.
Two, this event starts with Jo wishing everyone a good morning, followed by the protagonist thinking that hearing Jo over the loudspeakers isn't his favorite way of waking up, even if it's not morning and we have been awake for a while. Also, when going to visit Lindsey, we meet Jo shopping at the Marina, a grossery bag in hand. And again, it happens regardless of what time it is, and it seems a bit weird to me that Jo would just be out here shopping at a time when she's supposed to be at school working.

*#Minor issue# In [Touched by an Angel], we need to talk to the Nurse so she can help us to get in the Hospital. When we click on her, we can click on (!) to progress the quest, but we can also Talk or Flirt as usual. When we click on (!), she reacts by saying that we frightened her and that we shouldn't sneak up on people like that. Except, she reacts like that even if we Talked or Flirted with her immediately before, which doesn't make sense (and, although it's cute, her being frightened doesn't seem to be narratively important for the quest, so I recommend just removing that reaction).

*#Minor issue (?)# In [Voluntary Good], after the conversation with Flora, we need to go talk to Maxine in the Science Classroom while she is wearing an hazmat suit. Except, at that point of the quest, that encounter can happen at any time of the day, even when she is supposed to be elsewere in the school (even at 08:00 PM, when she is in the Entrance Hall right outside the Science Classroom).
But I guess we can just explain that one with "One of them is actually an Homonculus!".

 *#Minor Typo# In [Touched by an Angel], one of the texts says :
"Being in a sterile hospital room for an extended period of time can't a good thing".
It should be :
"Being in a sterile hospital room for an extended period of time can't be a good thing".

Noticed a few (mostly minor) bugs/issues in version 1.32.2 (might have already been patched since, sorry if that's the case) :

* #Bug# In [Buried Truths], Isabelle asks us to meet her at the end of the day near the river to bury her sister's box. If we wait for the day to end *while already at the river*, it seems to cause a bug where we can't trigger Isabelle's event. Like, Isabelle is there, the time says 07:00 PM and our action jauge is frozen as usual in such scenes, the Quest guide indicates us to click Isabelle... but when we do, it doesn't display the (!) icon to trigger the event, causing us to be stuck in this scene.
Plus, normally, entering the river area at that point causes the text "Damn it. I was hoping that she'd found another glade than the polluted and beaver-infested one. Just got to keep my mouth shut about the fact that I caused the pollution..." to appear. But if we waited in the river area, that text instead appears everytime we change location.

* #Minor bug# I don't know if its also the case for other soundtracks/sound effects, but the grainy noise from Maxine's Inconspicuous Group's recording in [Hurricane Isabelle] remains active if we use Chapter Select to load a different chapter while watching the recording. Though it only seems to be the case when using Chapter Select and not when loading a different save. Also, the noise stops once we cause a different sound effect (like when we cause the "POP" sound by clicking an object or character).

* #Minor issue# At the end of [Buried Truths], when we get kissed by Isabelle, it is described as our first kiss, even if we have already been kissed by another girl.

* #Minor issue# During certain quests, there will be a close-up view of the bedroom in our computer (ex : in [Stainless Steal], when trying to buy a Scarlet Starlet's Cutie-Harlot skirt for Flora from the website Kid Neyxt Door on the dark web  ;  in [Mysterious Tapes], when watching Mrs.L's commercial VHS  ;  in [Hurricane Isabelle], when watching Maxine's Inconspicuous Group message  ;  there might be a few more I didn't find). The bedroom background behind the computer screen will show posters from the original look of the bedroom *even after* cleaning up the room.

* #Minor issue# In [Hurricane Isabelle] we are supposed to use Spinach to distract the motion-sensing camera, so that we can mess with the fuse box, so that the guard will have to leave his booth, so that we can download the security camera footages, so that we can find what Maxine did to Isabelle's locker. However, in [A Beautiful Motive], we do the same thing by distracting the camera with a plant and butterflies. And the problem is, after the quest is over, the plant and butterflies are still next to the camera, which means the camera's motion sensors should still be focusing on the butterflies and therefore there's no need to use Spinach for that if we do [Hurricane Isabelle] after [A Beautiful Motive]. I recommend to reset the state of the plant, butterflies and window after the quest if over (and maybe to also add a text in which the protagonist notes that it may have been cleaned up by the janitor or something).

Deleted 141 days ago

honetly one of the best gooner games i have played. thanks for delivering this almost perfect experience.
spoilers beyond this point so dont read if you didnt played!

the lindsey part where she jumped kinda made me tear up even if i didnt romance her and made me regret that i didnt help her. and i still cant because i dont know how. or maybe some hidden quests but still how do you get lindsey to visit her and everyting? i dont want it to seem like cheating as i did go chapter selecting and still im clueless on how

While I still haven't worked out exactly what the minimum requirements are I do know that if you want to be there for her you must have chosen to try to save her from falling. In order to choose to save her you must have (once again I'm still not sure which) either a certain level of Love/Lust, or completed X number of Lindsey Quests. As soon as Season 2 starts and you have finished your first visit to Homeroom all you have to do is wait a week and the Quest "Touched by an Angel" will automatically start.

Good luck and hope you continue to enjoy the game! :)

(1 edit)

I think its quest related since i gone back trough chapter select and set lindsey's lust and love to none and i still had a choice to do something about her on the rooftop if i selected dethroanin the queen. but when i choose to continue from stepping on the rose, i agian set lindsey love and lust to max but could not do anything just watch her fall. so at last its about quests done for her

(1 edit)

It seems I misunderstood you (or more specifically your question). Unfortunately no matter what actions you take she will fall. The only thing you can change is whether or not you are there for her afterward. :(


forgive my poor pronunciation. English isn't my first language but yes I wanted to choose the option to not watch her fall. It's fine now I played that outcome trough chapter select. Thanks for the advice now I know how to play it in a complete playtrough

No, your pronunciation is fine. I just misunderstood, I had assumed you already knew about Lindsey's accident being unavoidable. Also you are very welcome, I'm glad to be able to assist my fellow fans figure things out here. :)

Great game so far, but I've encountered a little bug. On the "Poolside Story" quest, I have to quest Mrs. L one last time but the button to do so isn't there when I press on her. Does anyone know a way to fix this?

Can you describe how far into the quest you are as well as where in the school you are? That information will make assisting you much easier.

I am at the final part of the quest where you have to quest her in the gym. I'm right before the "Dethroning the Queen" quest.

Sorry about the wait, unfortunately I wasn't able to recreate the issue. My suggestion would be to load an earlier save and run the quest again. Sorry I couldn't be of help. :(


Just found this game the other day and I've gotta say it's awesome and all the characters are great, Isabelle is best girl tho

(1 edit)

I hope you will add an android version for other people but anyway I play on iOS (btw how to wake up Kate in the hallway? She sleeping on the sofa)


In order to awaken Kate you need to have gotten at least three Moments of Glory. Here's a list of the six you can get in Season 1 that came from TimeWizardStudios (I think their Twitter if memory serves).


Thank you!

You're welcome! :)

What do you think about this game? Is it amazing?

This game is well worth your time. There is quite a bit of content already posted, it's updated regularly, the story is a lot of fun, the art style is quite nice, the humor is great, and there are a fair number of secrets. I can't recommend it enough!


Question! When do ypu plan to finish the game by the final version?


Probadly Not in this decade lol


I'm blocked on the first page of the gallery, I can only see the first three replay, how can I see the others.

From what you described I'm guessing this is your first run through. In that case all you can do is play, play, play. As you complete more scenes they will gradually unlock in the gallery. If there's anything specific you already know about and want to see you can also go to Chapter Select and start at the beginning of the quest containing the scene you're after.


Yo nuca haría la ruta de odia a lindsey😭😭😭


Found another Bug after answering (or trying to at least) a question pertaining to the Lindsey "Hate" Route. If you flirt with Lindsey after refusing to help her in the Gym but before you Quest her (the one that either locks "Hate" Route or begins "Lindsey's Mercy") she will be able to gain love and lust points as though nothing has happened even though a pop up had said romancing was disabled for Lindsey previously. As always thanks for all your efforts on this amazing game!

quick question, during some of the events with lindsey, (for example her falling over) how do u unlock the choices that have the weird blue picture of lindsey's face?

I think it happens by siding with kate during the "Tour De School" questline. I imagine it's a similar situation as when Kate decides to become a creepypasta character


That blue faced icon means you have to be on the Lindsey "Hate" route to use that particular interaction. If you want to access it you need to be an absolute monster to her every time you interact with her. It doesn't matter if you go Isabelle or Kate.

During "Day 1, Take 2" when Lindsey trips on the wet floor sign choose to enjoy the view

Then during "Loser to the Rescue" when Lindsey crashes into you in the gym say "She should've paid more attention." and then "Pass"

Once you have finished "Tour de School" and Lindsey becomes available to interact with again Quest her and say "Well, suck it up, princess. Life's not a bed of roses."

This will permanently lock you into the Lindsey "Hate" route. There isn't too much in it as of v1.44.1 and a fair number of interactions don't reflect your actions toward her at all. Who knows what the future holds though.

hey, just a question, how can I get the nurse picture?


The first time you can get it is in the Quest "Loser to the Rescue". When Lindsey runs into you in the Gym have Isabelle stay with her while you get the Nurse from her office. When you enter the room Interact with the curtain and choose to pull it back and then tell her to "Smile for the camera!" or you could choose "Huh! It looks exactly like you were having a very wet daydream about the English teacher!" then "Just one for the yearbook, okay?".

The second chance is during the Quest "Photogenic" which you start by drinking a bottle of strawberry juice then going upstairs to the First Hall. No matter what you choose you will wind up outside the Nurse's Office and encounter the same scenario as your first opportunity.

What are beautiful motive quest's prerequisites? 


This is pretty much from memory so I might have forgotten a bit here and there but this should be your path

First off you should obviously be kind to Lindsey and choose answers/options that make her happy

Once you have completed the "Tour de School" intro quest chain (choosing the Isabelle MQL) go quest Lindsey to start the "Fully Booked" quest.

When that is done you should be able to approach and Quest her again then going from the Entrance Hall up the stairs to the First Hall starting the "Nothing Wrong With Me" quest.

During that quest choose to help Lindsey instead of following up with Maxine's theory.

Then it should be "Dead Girl's Score" by talking to (or maybe questing) Lindsey in the Gym. You'll have to fix the piano like you would for the "Twisted Desire" and "Chops and Nocs" quests.

I believe you must then quest Isabelle while she is in the Entrance Hall to start the "Stolen Hearts" quest. (While not necessary it would probably be wise to tell Isabelle that Kate took the chocolates.)

At that point you should be able to go into the Gym one more time and quest Lindsey to start "A Beautiful Motive". (For best results turn down painting someone naked)

Hope this was helpful, good luck!

Quick correction, Isabelle does NOT have to be in the Entrance Hall to be able to start the "Stolen Hearts" Quest. Sorry about that...


Flora's adorable! Love the beautifully drawn character sprites. Looking forward to unravel more of this game's mystery. That under the table horror experience was certainly unexpected, liked it tho.

i need help. you know the part where i help kate with isabelle in the gym? well i dont want to do that but it looks like the game is forcing me to that path. what do i do? i cant do any other quests unless i do that specific quest even tho it leads to a lot of bad stuff like lindsey jumping and isabelle getting clapped by kate. the game even tells me the option i pick will change the way my game goes but when i pick the option not to go on with the plan to betray isabelle nothing happens. is there really no other way?


Sorry to say your kinda stuck with you current run and will have to just go with the flow or start a new run. Kate and Isabelle are mutually exclusive routes, though the Season 2 Kate & Isabelle main quest lines do seem to be setting up the possibility to make peace with the girl you went against. Also at the present time no matter what you do Lindsey is going to fall. The only thing you can change about the scenario is whether you stand by and watch or try to save her.


thanks for responding but i was so mad about my ending i restarted the game and helped bro get hella pussy and i got the best ending


Sure thing, always glad to help. :)


So I found another couple issues with "Chili Con Carnal Sin". A couple updates ago Jo's background sprite stopped showing up in front of the mini fridge when you go down to get milk for Flora. The mini fridge still has the same dialogue about putting your hand between her legs if you just try to access it without first distracting her. Her dialogue sprite also still shows up once you have successfully distracted her too.

The other I just found via chapter select, though using a save from a full run also netted the same results. If you wait until after you have given Flora the skirt in "Stainless Steal" to collect and bring home the cooking pot in "Chili Con Carnal Sin" Flora's background sprite will show her wearing her jeans even though her dialogue sprite will show her with the chef's hat and skirt. This inconsistency also shows up once you come back down after getting her phone. You will find her jeans on the floor instead of her skirt.

I'm currently trying my hand at making a full FAQ/walkthrough for this beast of a game so I'll keep my eyes open for more issues as I keep replaying everything. It's my first time trying something like this and it has made me come to appreciate even more just how much work you have put into this thing. I'm only 146,000 words in and it feels like it's taken forever just to do that. So thank you again for the incredible amount of work you put into making this thing!


Cant wait for (hopefully) more of Kate absolutely destroying the mc's balls

Deleted 35 days ago

Using the GUI:
Download the pc/linux version
Open the file.
Open the 'lib' file
Open the linux folder that applies to your system(probably linux-x86_64)
Run the AnotherChance executable

I hope this one has an android port,I wanna play this visual novel tho


Does this game not have a feature where the girl lets out her moans?


Sorry to disappoint you but that is a negative. As of now the game has no voice acting and I haven't seen any talk about that being planned. It would be cool though.

(1 edit)

tiny bug: i was running "poolside" quest, to the point where i need to go to the gym to meet with mrs l.; however the time is 5pm and as soon as i get inside the kate quest autostarts. You cannot avoid it and when you're done, the other quest is locked.

temp solution: rewind and wait one hour before entering gym

(3 edits)

I cannot continue the game after speaking to Lindsey and then going back home there's no option to use the bed nor the outfit can't even leave the house either making it impossible for me to progress further into the game also can't use the day/time button at the top left either unless this is just the end of the game for now i am saddened that this has happened to me if it isn't the end. (forgot to mention it only bugged if i finished the "Touched by an Angel" quest before doing the art gallery one with Jacklyn or doing the "Don Juan Quixote" quest as well.

I hope this information helps in fixing this bug.

so far the game has been  a 8/10 for me keep up the great work!

I'm on the "Tiny Thirsty Tree" quest and I'm stuck. I have to put an item in the student desk, and it says "maybe this Time..." Idk what I should do. Please help me


Did you turn on an in-game quest guide option? You can also try this official guide: 
By the way, it's pinned here above the downloads. I did this quest myself but I forgot the details, sorry.


Ngl I kinda cried when I saw the incident/accident iykyk



Amazing game, I've lately been away from this game, but I loved it, I'm not a fan of sandbox but this games array of characters saves it for me, and the art is a whee-bit different from what I'm used to in AVN's.


兄弟们 我想知道这个网站怎么下载其他黄油,怎么除了这个界面,到了主界面全是正经游戏 有好心人可以告诉我一下吗


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