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please made russian language, or i can help with russian language


Quick question. I am on board with most of the fetishes, but is there a way to toggle off the one's we personally don't like? No intent on kink shaming or anything, was just curious.


Pls make it android


Any difference between explore mode and fast mode? Like any story differences? 


I don't think so. Fast mode just means the game confirms less actions (like going to a new area)

im stuck in the gym on the dog trick mission ive done everything but cant leave yet tells me to get gym grade i cant seem to figure it out

same, i just decided to do the other path, chose british girl on day 1

Hey, I have an issue using tilde to highlight interactables, since my keyboard layout does not have a dedicated tilde key. Does anyone know where the file used to set that keybind is? It doesn't seem to be in renpy\common\00_keymap.rpy so idk where to look.


We need more Lindsey quests! Thanks for your monthly updates tho.

Hey I reached a road block with the search and rescue quest, the quest quide points me to use the saftey pin combined with something else (it doesn't direct me to combine it just has the icon) on the door, but it won't work, and won't tell me what else to combine the saftey pin with, can anyone help?

You need yarn to be combined with the pin


Hi, first of all 10/10. Second of all, will versions be free as the game progresses, like 1.38 being free after 1.39 or 1.40?


Hellooo firstly thanks for the amazing game, but the official guide for play through got banned, could u please upload a new version?

I can't start it

what steps I need to take to save lindsy in dethroning a queen?

I think you cant :(

Maybe if you blind the Saucer Eyed Doll? First imprison the doll with magnets in the clubroom. Then if you steal Flora's mirror from the sink at home, you can move the book stack on the club room desk and put the mirror on top, reflecting light into the doll's eyes, blinding it. 
But I don't know for sure. I had to restart the game to get the Saucer Eyed Doll AND trigger Dethroning a Queen again. 

Atleast in my Playtrough it didnt make a difference, but maybe it was just a Bug...


Does anyone have a complete guide, I can only find up to 1.15

(1 edit) (-1)

Its going to have one time payment on

Hi, I really need help finding Maxine since I'm stuck on quests that ask me to talk to her, so if you can tell me how to find her after reading this note I would appreciate it.

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

(1 edit) (+1)

currently on Mac and I can't seem to scroll up of down on any of the phone screens, does anyone know if I missed something or is this a bug/flaw?

edit: nvm figured it out

(2 edits) (+2)

Since I keep seeing people asking about how to get the Moment of Glory here is the answer ripped directly from the official guide link that WAS posted above (Thanks Google).

  1. Moments of Glory: Strength  —  unlocked during Search & Rescue by telling Kate that the Nurse is in the supply closet, then breaking it open (5 strength points required) for her
  2. Moments of Glory: Resolve  —  unlocked during Twisted Fate by telling Kate you were just leaving the gym, then slamming the door in her face
  3. Moments of Glory: Strength  —  unlocked during Twisted Fate by fighting the cheerleaders off (8 strength points required) after Kate orders them to tie you up
  4. Moments of Glory: Wit  —  unlocked during Twisted Desire by having Kate steal the final paper star from you, then calling Isabelle (8 intellect points and Isabelle's number required) to prove to the cheerleaders that you were the one who found it 
  5. Moments of Glory: Talent  —  unlocked during Dead Girl's Score by playing something fast but dark to Lindsey, having Kate show up and criticize your piano skills, then asking her to show you how it's done
  6. Moments of Glory: Insight  —  unlocked during Wicked Game by replying "Your fears..." to Kate when she asks the Ghost of Christmas Sins what her sins are

You only need three of them so don't worry about trying to get them all.


That guide is gone


Yes, our morality enforcing overlords seem to be again flexing their muscles.

Heya ! I have a question ! Where can we have all items ? Please

A query like I manage to get the last moment of glory because I got the one after I passed out on the stairs while drinking the drink and the one from the gym when confronting Kate but I can't find the third one could help me

(2 edits) (+1)

Can't wait for a scene with Maya, new favorite character (Lindsey and Flora are a close second)

In the venting frustration mission, I can't complete it because I don't have Maxine's camera, and it won't let me continue with the story.


Probably the single best game here 


Now it's blatantly stolen the DDLC minigame, damn

skill ussue


Yeah it was a skill issue lmao


"A screen, A person." God dammit the fourth wall just doesn't exist anymore huh.


I never leave comments but this game deservers it it is probably the best game i have played on ichi io.

how doi get SOCK?

Say yes when Kate invites you to watch the cheerleading team (losing a moment of glory) and choose to insult her after being trapped and she will give you the sock. Don't give it to Isabelle after the mission.


Don't forget to wash it




It's easy, they just lay around in the school and in your home and they are easy to spot them

Updated Guide When


Help I can't go to Maxine's place

Please help😔😔

Click the rope outside the window

(1 edit)

I did but it says" one of these days, I'll use that rope to tie up Maxine.  But that has to wait. "

It won't let me in

Guys I really need help please help me☹️

for me i just click the bottom knot then im in

I still won't let me in

Ill probably just restart the game

Out of curiosity were you in the middle of a quest when this occurred? I would like to try and replicate this problem for myself.


played through the good path (up until after the Dinner Party) two times, tried the dark side path and felt so bad i couldn't do it
I'm a huge degen but for some reason being mean to Isabelle and Lindsey makes me want throw up


is your redemption arc


you could say this is Another Chance


game is insanely good, and lively, wondering where i could find the soundtrack.


when android?


what are the 3 moments of glory required for kate's storyline and can I still get them

Hey if u found the answer please tell it, i can't found the third moment of glory


this game is fucking perfect


Updated Guide Please


How do i unlock the moments of glory?

The "Venting Frustration" quest becomes unavailable to complete after I've given Maxine her camera back. Do I need to go back and restart or is there a way to get another camera to complete the quest


In the quest "Venting Frustration" It keeps telling me to talk to the nurse but when i do she keeps telling me to talk to Kate but when I talk to her she doesn't tell me anything


whats the difference between lust and love route for ms l because im about to start and im curious

Lust is for Sex Scenes, and Love is... Well, Love i guess. You get then Special Cutscenes for that.


Can some one please tell how to get all the glory moments for kate single moment,i dont want to select the chapters it just reset the stats,xd and update the guide walk-through

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