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So there's an issue with random flickering when talkin to characters, where the background will flicker over the screen. Hopefully this can be fixed soon, it's a great game.  I couldn't help starting a brand new save to keep playing


What are the three moments of Glory? I was sure I found all three bit apparently I didn't. 

If u find the answer please tell us


is this a bug fix, cause i played 1.35 when it came out


Does anyone know if you can play this using Joiplay?

(1 edit) (+1)

Found a softlock, if at 5:00pm you peep on Flora in the shower then proceed to help her make chili downstairs (still at 5:00pm) she will send you to get her phone. You can no longer get into the bathroom to get said phone as Flora is according to the game still inside the bathroom and tells you to get away from the door.


plz how do you make money or do the donut mission 


Afraid The only thing I can recommend on the money end is to just keep going through every location available and hunt for it, I personally spend the first week or so not doing any quests and just collecting resources. That means gathering money as well as farming laundry detergent and tissues to trade for other consumables in the desk in the English room. As far as the doughnut thing I'm not sure which one you are referring to. The only ones I've seen are where you buy them so the guard will leave his post and the one where you steal them to get Jacklyn to do an art project. Both seem pretty straight forward. If you could explain your issue I might be able to help.


Alright,I just want to know when will the Androuid be released.


it would be

I'm in the Tiny Thirsty Tree quest, waiting for Flora to get out of the bathroom, but the time isn't passing and I can't click the date to skip time, anyone know how can I fix this?

I have the same issue :(


Oh, wow, I did not actually expected Kate to become much more bearable so quickly. Probably won't get in my top 3 girls anyway, but that's a promising 4th place (unless Isabelle continues to give me those strange concerning vibes)

Idk, there is just something that I found instantly sweet in her new sprites, so I really hope that she gets her deserved development (certified "Guys, I can fix her" moment from me)


yeah  Kate is really attractive when she became good,and Isabelle got really creepy sometimes

(1 edit) (+1)

I found a glitch that locks you out.  I didn't have a rock for the principal office and the trash bins were not giving me other one, nor could I trade an item for another using the student desks.


How i can unlock this scene:


This took me ages too. It's during the Dethroning the Queen quest. I think you have to have *not* freed the nurse from Kate's blackmail during Twisted Desire (though haven't tested personally since I used the chapter select feature; but based on the circumstances chances are good that it's a requirement). Then during the dinner, when Maxine asks you to take a picture for her, you have to select Kate and then choose to wait for a better shot. She and the nurse will disappear and you can target the kitchen. Stay and take the shot for the scene

(4 edits) (+3)

1. In Search & Rescue leave the candy wrappers on the floor for Kate to follow you then tell her that the Nurse is in the supply closet.  Make sure you have 5 STR to open the door.

2. in Twisted Fate: when Kate asks you if you're perving on the cheerleaders again, say that you were leaving or you must have 8 STR to fight the cheerleaders to escape.

3.  in Wicked Game: dress as a ghost, instead of getting inside the box. When Kate asks her sins, answer "your fears..." get Kate's papaya scene for this.

4.  in Dead Girl's Score: as Lindsey praises you for playing the piano, play something fast but dark. Suddenly Kate will show up and play another song to show her how it's done

5. in Twisted Desire: must have 9 INT. When Kate asks to see the golden star, let her take it from you, then call Isabelle as a witness that you did get the star.

That's what I've found.


Deleted post

How can you open the door in music class room in WICKED GAME  i don't have the key to it before 7 pm

Get the key from Jo, then don't give it to Kate and tell her you need to be the one to open the door for the party.  That's all I remember.

Deleted post

the first one is after you pass out on the stairs you will be taken to the infirmary by Lindsey, you need to have some knowledge to get the glory(When you finish talking to Lindsey go into the infirmary to get the photo) that's the first moment of glory as for the third one I still can't find it.}


How do I open the framed quote in the English classroom 


Every time this game gets updated I think "I'll get on playing it again next month, since this update seems huge but I don't have the money to support the patreon right now!" and then next month comes and they release an even cooler update that can be accessed next month if I just wait a little longer...
This game is so good and it keeps getting better, I really gotta come back and play the new content...

I made an account just for this im going to scream im following the walkthrough for Poolside Story but the discarded papers refuse to combine with the paints I keep seeing a line that says "Dont want to leave any collectables behind banjo would be disappointed" despite the fact thats what the guide is telling me to do. The discarded arts wont combine together and they wont combine into the paints someone please help

arent you supposed o chop them up using a beaver first?

Excuse me, I wonder when it will be available =)

I'm guessing that it got moved to Season 2? Or Season 1 is not as done as we thought.

how do I completely save Lindsey?


sadely, U can't.all U could do is comfort her after she fell=(

how do you get kate's papaya scene?


U may should listen to what author said

I downloaded Translator++ to try to translate all the text and dialogue in the game into my language.

Could you tell me which files contain the dialogues and texts to be translated?


Once I download the game of here how do i get it to run? 


When will the Android version appear?

Sometime. In the FAQ, it was written that they do not give this task a high priority, but it will someday.

How do I clean the room please



I managed to penetrate Flora having 2 lust and over 50 love, but i have about 20 love and lust on Lindsey and the only things i can do is let her exist, or else it will just be blocked. Very nice. Althought liked it with Flora.

The game was over so quickly. Looking forward to more updates.

Anyone how to complete the quests Potted Weeds and The Missing Tapes. It requires interaction with the computer, but I don't understand what they want me to do. There are no distinguishing marks.


In general, I figured everything out on my own. Turns out I have to give a fortune to scammers. 

Я застрял на квесте с медсестрой и вентиляцией, я не понимаю в какую сторону ей двигаться :/

Попробуй добиться того, чтобы она тебя слышала, а дальше попытайся направить её куда нибудь(шанс мал, но может быть поможет)

Попробyю, спасибо

Can someone help me? I'm stuck on the Venting frustration, it keeps saying wait for the nurse but she wouldn't show up

If you press where the arrow is pointing it skips time, skip until she's back

She won't show up if you have the 'search and rescue' quest, if you do it should be completed first.

Can't complete quest venting frustrations as I do not possess the camera and the quest guide is not showing me how to get it.

i have the two walkies but not the camera

having the same issue

Press shift+O, then type:

mc.add_item('maxine_camera') - to add camera in inventory

mc.add_item('walkie_talkie') - to add walkies in inventory

Should receive it from Maxine with the two walkies

I've tried several times to gain more hearts with Lindsey but still when she wants to jump off the roof, can't I save her? Is there any action I can do before that starts the "party" of Isabelle?

how the how do i get the gathering storm quest?

just walk around and chat with girls


Android please! We are begging please add an android version!


Please we need android version


Yeah, that freaked me out too. Good that there are no signs of 9 11


I know this is niche but ever since the new season Flora is fully clothed when taking a shower.

It doesn't bother me or anything I just like to report bugs


Hi, I can't move the page up in the A beautiful Motive mission, is this a bug?

Hi, Idk if this the place to ask but it seems like the quest Poolside Story is bugged for me, I'm at part where I'm supposed to talk to miss L at the Gym, but its not giving me the option to press onto the "!" sign.

Hey, I'm having this exact issue and I can't find a solution anywhere online. Did you figure it out?

10 falling Lindsey out of 10


For christmas I've only begged for more Kate content, I truly hope santa delivers C:


The intense 'first week of january' waiting comences

Is Flora and the mc siblings?

because I dont see any incest tags

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I think they are step siblings maybe? Perhaps they are just "Roommates"

Under Gameplay features it says that all characters are "not biologically-related" I assume that mc is either adopted or they're step-siblings.

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