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What to do to let the tenta-vines have their fun with Flora instead of getting in the way?

(1 edit) (+1)

how to get a spray?


what is the code to unlock all the gallery scenes?

Will they translate it into Spanish?

is there a way to get on both the nurse and the lindsey path? I don't wanna choose one


there is! after lindsey runs into you during the school tour, carry her to the nurse. later, after the tour is over, consume a bottle of strawberry juice and walk up the stairs to the first hall — this will trigger the "photogenic" quest, which gives you a second chance at snapping a compromising picture of the nurse.


ooh ty, is there also a way for kate and isabelle?

for these two, there is not. you do have to choose between them.

where is the strawberry juice are? can't find it.

yeah same, cant seem to figure where to get that

You can get some at the soda fountain in the cafeteria

You can get it from the sofa fountain in the cafeteria

how do I wake up the sleepy vine

use a water bottle (either regular or with the spray cap) on it!

I'm going through the hooking up quest and I'm stuck at the moment in the dining room, I need to skip the time, but it's not skipped

 sounds like you might have two active quests overlapping each other.

what version are you on, and could you please send your save file to jotapê#5380 on discord? here's how to access the save directory, just replace game_directory with AnotherChance-1581295674

What's the name of the song that plays in the house?

Can anyone help. First the game was playing smoothly but after I closed it and start it again it crashes every time on startup or sometime when I load the save file.


try verifying your files and if that doesnt work just reinstall

Does anybody know how to get the literate vine in “tiny thirsty tree”


you need to use the nurse's pen on it! it's on top of her desk:


Waiting for Android port😓☝️


Me too




Bro for real me to


dude same


(2 edits) (+2)

This game is really well made I enjoyed playing through it but I will say some parts of a quest are a little confusing maybe I'm dumb but for example "Why was there a whole quest that had you going up and down the school in the slowest way possible just to abuse and kill a beaver?" Some parts felt unnecessarily too long like small steps you have to take just to complete a quest were annoying but it was ok. The UI took a bit to get used to, It was confusing but I managed. I can say this game is really unique compared to other VN/RPG Games, I look forward to more content for this game I really enjoy the story and the personality of each character is unique and attractive. But like I said it's not something you can change but my only complaint is that some quests feel unnecessarily long to progress the overall story but it's still amazing in the end so it doesn't matter

yall know how to get cash?


Wait, jotapê? Is this game actually brazilian? Or any of the devs are



sou brasileiro sim! mas só eu, o restante da equipe é todo estrangeiro

Will the Premium versions be available on itch in the future?

sorry, what do you mean by "premium versions"?

The Patreon versions


while patrons do get to play each new release up to a month before everyone else, the only in-game difference between the public version and the patreon one is the x-ray level. but content wise, you're not missing out on anything!

and if you're specifically referring to the full nude x-ray, the plan as far as i'm aware is to eventually turn it into an actual item that you'll acquire at some point in the story — the way we have it right now is just a placeholder gimmick until we figure things out

Store as in an in game store I've somehow missed or store as in a dlc you pay irl money for?

Whats the music in the menu screen called.

it's an original composition by the very talented @Tama! i'm not sure if this specific track is available in his soundcloud, but you can listen to it on youtube:

It say that i need to wait for Maxine to come back. I dont know when that is and it has been saying that for like 20 days now.

She is just like: Not there. I cant do any mission that requires me to interact with her.

sounds like a different active quest is hiding maxine for plot reasons, and it's overlapping with the one you're playing.

what version are you on, and could you please send your save file to jotapê#5380 on discord? here's how to access the save directory, just replace game_directory with AnotherChance-1581295674

May be a smidge late, but If you have 'Paint it Red' going at the same time, she'll disappear until you get the paint.

Where can I finde the Change logs for the last and/or upcomming update?

Hey guys, I need another help, I am reading some of yours "tutorials and these things on documents, but during the Squid Game, I do not understand well. I know how to defend Flora agaisnt the Bonsai, but who is Cuthbert? To unluck the shower scene, I need him to splash ink in my eyes, but how to do that? I have never seen any Squid namen Cuthbert, how can I get him to quest?

cuthbert the squid shows up automatically after you reach a certain phase in the squid game quest. you don't have to do anything specific, just play through it normally!

yo before i play this game is there any uh... disturbing tags on good route ?(if there is more than one route that is)

all non-consensual scenes should be avoidable if you wish not to play through them!

and another chance does have quite a few routes, so multiple playthroughs are recommended. just be aware that the game is still in early development, meaning some storylines might end abrutly!


Hello there! I downloaded your amazing game 2 days ago, I have probably completed it already, I am at the day 20, and there are no more quests. Skipped 2 whole days, but nothing new shows up. Is it the end, or did I somehow mixed up the quest order? P.S.: I really did enjoy the game. I am looking forward too new projects or updates.


Hello, while I am not with the development team I can say that the game is currently still being made and updated. If you want to keep up to date with the development check them out on Patreon!

And did I completed the game progress, or I have missed some quests? I know that I didnt made all the choices (good guy, mostly) but how can I know, if I completed everything?

Deleted 2 years ago

the first option obvious, because gou can choose different paths with different characters, its uor choice, but the Chapter Select idea is actually good, I didnt think about it, thank you very much.

(4 edits)

Is it possible to include five of the commonly used languages around the  world,thanks

el juego ya está en inglés, lobizón

i want need chinese

don't you know english? 

I know english but i need chinese

what do you do on the 8th day locked in the classroom

could you please expand on this issue? what happens when you try to leave the homeroom? and are you able to advance the time?

i figured it out ,i was bugged had to reload to previous save from before the dream started because i could't click on the desk until i reloaded save.

(2 edits) (+1)

There's really just one 'problem' I'd like to ask changed in the game please. Whenever you look at items or fail to interact with them the energy drops / time goes on anyway. Please at least when looking at things don't have this happen, arguably failed interactions may still pass the time, but I don't see a reason for looking at something for few seconds would need a notable amount of energy.

edit: perhaps an extra suggestion would be to allow in options you to pick how x-ray works. For some the small strip may be fine, I personally would prefer a large round zone for it (like a monocle) and there there could be perhaps some third option too, like a bigger square


thank you for the feedback!


is it possible to delete old saves so i can start from zero?

even if i uninstall the old versions and download the new i keep the old save

it is! save files are stored in a different folder (in our case,
game_directory being AnotherChance-1581295674) than the game folder, precisely so you don't have to copy them over every time you download a new release.

you can access said folder and delete your save files manually or, alternatively, you can also delete them in-game by placing your mouse over a save slot, then pressing the delete key on your keyboard!


how can I earn money?



Will we get the option to choose a female protagonist in the future? That would be really cool.

I like this idea but it would be a ot of extra work for the dev.

One of the girls would have to have regrets and travel back in time, although Isabelle seems likely for this, as she wasn't supposed to be there in the original timeline... then again both the teacher and assistant teach weren't there first time around either.

Other than this some extra writing, coding, and new art would be required for a female playthrough.


2 questions:

1. Is there a way to see the nude version of the entire CG instead of just a little paintbrush streak X-Ray?

2. More of a request, actually. Can Chad turn out to just be an all-around chill and wholesome guy that our protagonist remarks he didn't really hear a lot about after he left school, and it turns out that Chad wants to go into some kind of community service job after he graduates, and that he knows the cheerleader girls are always all over him but he doesn't actually get with any of them because he knows they're all bitches?

I don't think it's possible at this point because there was that one point where Kate pulls out a strapon modeled after Chad's dick, so maybe he's already not written as a good lad, but I kinda want a character that our MC can just be bros with, yknow?

besides, the stereotypical jock character turning out to be an okay dude is pretty fun imo.

They plan to translate it into Spanish?

is there some sort of app required to open the game, it doesn't seem to start for me

you first need to extract the zip folder with a program like winrar
or 7zip, then just double click AnotherChance.exe to open the game!

for some reason I can't start Stainless Steal on my save, what went wrong here

one of the prerequisites for this quest is having sided with kate in Tour de School! i'm guessing you sided with isabelle instead?


For "Squid Game", I am moved to the cafeteria but can do anything else. What am I to do here?

sorry, could you please expand on this issue?

Of course, I am in the cafeteria and am stuck. I can interact with things but no matter who I try to call, drink or do the story doesn't progress. I fear I am either glitching or more likely ignoring something obvious

what happens when you try to leave the cafeteria? and are you able to advance the time? it sounds like you might have two active quests overlapping each other

It simply says that someone is talking to the guard and that's it. Just kicks me back to the cafeteria. It's an endless loop of text.

what version are you on, and could you please send your save file to jotapê#5380 on discord?

here's how to access the save directory, just replace
game_directory with AnotherChance-1581295674

So im doing the 'hooking Up' quest and I cannot advance time to wait an hour.  Do I actually have to wait an hour?

Nope, not if you mean in real time.

Is it bugged? Because Im locked out of doing everything else.

I can't be certain of course but maybe? I would try reloading a save or, you can go back by scrolling.

Yeah I tried that.  My saves are pretty far back and the scrolling only goes to a certain point now.

it sounds like one of your active quests is blocking you from advancing time. could you please send your save file to jotapê#5380 on discord?

here's how to access the save directory, just replace game_directory with AnotherChance-1581295674

Doesn't work on Joiplay sad

Why would it?

(1 edit)

Does anyone know where the paperclip is?


assuming you're talking about the safety pin, it can be found in the lollipop jar in the Nurse's office!


Thank you! :)


I'm pretty sure this is a DUH question, but some games have a "if you go after X you can't chase Y" or "you only have X time to go after someone, if you are chasing someone else and X  time passes... you can't get the girl!" 

There isn't anything like that here, is there? I haven't seen it yet, but want to make sure that by chasing hot teacher I don't lock someone out, or that certain girl disappears after a time and just doesn't return. (I've played games were either one or the other has happened, occasionally both)

I'm hoping not because I really love it so far (for having just started out)


Choices matter a lot in this game.

There are events where you have to decide for or against certain characters which can temporarily or permanently lock you out of progressing with one of them. You will not get all the girls in the same run if that's what you were going for (unless the devs add the harem route later on).

However the official walkthrough and guide really help if you try to complete all the routes. The game lets you skip over chapters you have already seen which makes it much easier to follow a certain route if you choose so.

If you not only want to get all the H-scenes but also understand what is going on behind the scenes you will have to play multiple runs.

Hope this answers your question and you will still give the game a try. It's great.

It did, thank you! I'm OK with not getting all the women, I'm more about the fun and adventure (both of which this game has, in spades), Think I was more concerned that I would accidentally lock someone out without intending to. Choices will lock certain women out, but given how I play I'm OK with "because of the choices X girl is unavailable" because I would most likely not want to chase her anyway.

(1 edit)

I don't know if this is suppose to happen but when I turn on my mouse pointer trails in PC settings and start the game the cursor disappears. I am playing it on windows 11.

How Do I finnish king of sweets, I brought a strawberry juice and put the spray lid on the bottle, but it keeps telling me to buy more strawberry juice and drink it.


Where are you supposed to find Maxine? all of my current quests Lead to maxine and i cant find where im supposed to go after going to the rooftop?


This game is very interesting I'll be waiting till it releases on Android and have good day :)


I love how this game can be silly one minute, then deeply romantic the next. It has some writing that is as juicy as the scenes, and the two compliment each other perfectly. I'm really looking forward to where it takes us next!

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