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Damn, just Damn 1.13.1 fucking me up


Stuck on venting frustrations. I got the nurse back to her office but she is stuck in the vent and there is nothing I can do. Her nurse option is grayed out. Anything Im missing to get past this part?


im stuck at venting frutration quest I can’t continue the game doesn’t allow me to what do I do?

Can I play this on Android with joiplay ?

will full x-ray ever be free?

anyone know how to get the pocket mirror?

The home bathroom on the sink.


Let me start off by saying, the hentai is fantastic, really fucking good(as long as you're into that scenes kink) however there is very little of it. Every scene hasa half hour between the next. This time is made of a standard point and click adventure game which ranges from using usb from your room to download security footage, to using a lolliepop and fork to change a fuse which is quite frankly, a bit batshit. Speaking of batshit, the characters start out very strong and unique interesting characters that appear very grounded but then get "overwritten" where their character traits blow out of proportion and they do extreme and weird things like how someone who stands up against bullies, kidnaps a cat "for justice". Despite the great hentai and strong game engine, the sheer length of the game and its hidden internal logic in character and quest bogs it down, it needs something that we can work on alongside the quests(ideally money and pornographic related for the same reason x-ray mode exists(great mechanic) and because $5000 is an extreme amount when you can get only $20 from a note) and it needs something at the start of the game that suggests the new timeline operates on its own logic not a standard adventure game one.  

How do I get the  Red skirt for Isabelle ? Or is it just a patreon thing ? Haven't played this game in a while and learned it's existance only recently.


Dude, a Melanie Martinez reference in a game like this? 10/10 Truly a great game lmao! (For real, great game)

How i get dat neckless thing 

(1 edit)

Hey my game started to crash every time I buy that bag from the black market Idk why I can tell you the error code if that helps.

Edit: Nope the entire black market dosent work

how do you open the back panel in the secret locker?


I fucking cried when MC decided to clear his room. No joke, i started screaming when he cleared it out.


But it allows then to fu*k that redhead [I forget her name].


There is no red head in the game

then who did he fuck?

he didn't fuck anybody with red hair

dang it


Good quality. Looking forward to new content!

(1 edit) (+4)

more (nice) flora content plssssss >~<


I'm on the No True Scotswoman quest and whenever i try to go back into the classroom, the ladder doesn't put me back in there, it just pulls up dialogue and nothing happens.

Does anyone know what the corruption does for Jo? I've gotten to the under the desk scene and don't know if going for the corruption is the move or not.

been trying to continue the quest for the missing tapes, but when I try to plug the vhs player i get the "great, now there is just vhs player crumbs in my usb port"

can't fix it at all, guide is telling me to use it on the computer, both in game and official.


Having fun on PC but was wondering if there will there be an Android version in the future.

There was but I don't know what happened to it

Will it ever be on steam


This is some dogshit, who has the time to guess what stupid option the bitches will like from all the ones there are, trash game

(2 edits) (+20)

That's what a rpg is. Bro's so salty for having to put in time for this game lmao. 


Nah bros salty he can't even get fictional girls


nah bro dats crazy


Crazy? I was crazy once ...

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They locked me in a room.


A rubber room


A rubber room of rats


Whats up with the stupid long prologue, or opening or whatever? no one cares. Do you want to turn away players from the start or what


Are you actually stupid?

how do i get money ?

I got cash by pressing the tilde button(~) and looking for it, managed to scrounge up more than 300 bucks. It is interactable so it will have color during the tilde vision.

Theres a better way, I think Shift Left + O opens the Renpai Log/Console, there you type = 100 or smth. like that 

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is there a way to also change the love and lust and hate of specific characters? i've experimented but couldn't find any way in the console thus far

just a curiosity

Well, Shift left + O, and type Character Name love or lust = 100 or smt. like that 

Can't continue until I complete Dead Girl's Score, which I can't do because I have no option to play something fast and exciting. 

I think I picked the wrong option somewhere as Lindsey 'doesn't want to talk to me after what i did to her' and has 1 hate point. Help??


The Buried truths quest actually made me cry. I lost both of my sisters and dad when i was young and I've never seen anything that expresses how it feels like this game. A porn game really made me feel more understood than anyone or anything else in my life. Thank you for the amazing writing.


Don't get me wrong, I like the game. BUT PLEEAASSEE let us clean the mc's room. Its disgusting and I hate looking at it.

You'll be able to do this while playing. I'm not sure if it can be done in any route but while i was playing MC cleaned his room


you need to end up inviting one of the girls to your room (i think its the english girl) and once you do that the guy is like, "fuck this room is awful" and cleans it

It’s for Lindsey (the fit and cheerful blonde). For the Dead Girl’s Score scene.

im confused. How do I get inside the gym? It says I have to talk to Maxine inside the gym but it won't let me go in there.


The storyline is incredible and the characters are so well written!!! * o *


I can't belive thats a free game. Congratulations you do a great work :)
      Brasil esteve aqui.

sono bloccto nella classe perche non posso dare il riguardo ha nessuna delle due ragazze come faccio 


Gotta say, I am in love with this game, its got me in a chokehold, especially katie lindsey and flora. I cant for whats to come! 

Я не понимаю как пройти квест с пианино "dead girl's score" мне нужно несколько раз играть романтическую песню или что? Просто я только и делаю что ебу Изабель 

(1 edit) (+4)

I'm going to go on a rant, but first off I love the game. But the lore is literally giving me a head ach, like who da fuck is this Mer guy and what he doing with lindsey😭 . Like it's cool and all that he's trying to set me up with isabelle who appeared out of no where, but this causing lindsey to faint, always go on her phone, and why does she just go emitonless all the sudden when things get good. Worse now the message I sent to bud might make things worse for her. Still he doesn't know at the end of the day I'm choosing Linds no matter what. I don't care what I got to do to make it work, fuck everyone else. 

i am stuck at the guard booth, it wont let me steal the footage and only says that its a bad idea to wake up the guard with the flash drive. is my game bugged? this is for the stolen hearts quest

How can I find the game's OST?(Especially the school theme).


Where do I put the poor beaver?  ;-;

i have a problem i can´t continue because  i don´t have the option to interact with the fuse box in the quest " Hurricane isabelle " and the quest don´t let me do other quests.

nevermind i made it work

As i see in July there will be a route, where we will dethrone the Kate. I hope there also would be a route, where we will be on same lvl as she

How do i unlock these two?


and these two.


it's given here 


no its not, theres nothing after Nurse's Wiggle in that link


The one right underneath Nurse's Wiggle is on the Isabelle path. You have to back her going for vengeance. Forget the other decisions on the way.


How Long is this game at its current state

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