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What is happening here?

which screen is this?

Iits the launch window in the app. 


huh... i just downloaded it, and it looks normal to me

It seems to happen each update since I have downloaded it, it's like it's creating a new install and not just updating the original.


how does one acquire the sock

in twisted fate, if you choose either "How about you suck my dick and I won't report you to the principal?" or "No, you psychotic bitch." after the cheerleaders tie you down, kate will force her dirty socks down your throat.

then, at the end of the quest when isabelle shows up to untie you (if you sided with her in the beginning), you can spit them out or hide them from her. if you do the latter, you keep kate's dirty socks as an inventory item.


First off, I love this game. It's really in depth and there are so many options. But, if the creator reads this, I have a question. Do you know when you will finish the quest where you where supposed to get a collar and other items? I liked where that was going, then it ended.

thank you for the kind words!

and we are slowly getting there — each item will be acquired in a different quest, with the first one being the ice tea in chops and nocs (which should be made public on the first week of june), until we eventually get to the showdown between kate and isabelle!

these quests just take a bit of time because some of them require other quests to be done first, new locations, new features, etc

Deleted post

a phone port for another chance is very likely to happen in the future!

Deleted post

How many characters can you romance?


about 10 or so right now, albeit there are some girls you haven't fully met yet!


when entering the sdchool fopr thye first time was THAT A SABATON REFERENCE


my game keeps going to main menu whenevr i interact with something after my i load my save and id rather not start again just in case the issue happens while im doing that


hello, everyone! we have just released v1.18.2a, which fixes the issue where loading an older save file would send you back to the main menu at the first click. please download it!


thank you i really thought my save files are corrupted

Interacting with anything sends you back to main menu

(2 edits) (+1)

just downloaded the newest version and have a bit of an issue, anything I interact with, from opening the inventory to moving around the school, will immediately send me back to the home screen. I even tried loading back to a previous save, still sends me back. on a side note this is the windows version.

does this only happen if you load a save file, or even if you start a new game/use the chapter select? 

if it's the former, could you please send your save file to jotapê#5380 on discord so i can look into this issue? it should be stored in your 
C:\Users\Your_Name\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\AnotherChance-1581295674 folder

I've got the exact same issue.

No plans for android version?

Deleted 1 year ago

it's out now!

(1 edit)

hey, guys so in the quest no true scots woman I cant progress like I've tried everything but nothing is happening I think this is a bug so please release a bug fix soon although it may just be something I did so I would still like to talk to someone about it if they completed it in the 1.17.1 update and didn't get stuck.

edit: When is the next version coming out?

I am somehow not coming along in the Quest "Twisted Desire". I can't get in to the Girl's Bathroom, because Mrs L is in front of it. please help


I love this game this is the first vn game that i have played and its great the story the art the music everything is fantastic cant wait for the next update 

is there a chance that you would add animated scene in the future?


Came back to check on this game after a long time when it was in super early stages. 

Have to say looking good and polished great work. What a pleasant surprise!

It's pretty fun to read, I think that's something pretty difficult to do. The game progresses at a relaxing fun pace and there's a lot of freedom of choice. I never really got bored and ended up losing track of time. I like the humor a lot, it does not take itself too seriously.

That's what you want in a visual novel of this genre, keep up the good work. That's all for now since I'm still in the middle of reading.

thank you for the kind words!

Question, how do I earn money. I currently need money to buy the donuts to bribe the guard into getting me a mop


Deleted 2 years ago

could you please expand on this issue?

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

I'm not here to judge, creators get to choose whatever name they want for their games. But I do think that there are A CRAP TONS of games that existed with closely the same name like this: "Extra Life, 2nd Life, 2nd chance,.." I do believe that having a different name would definitely make yours stand out from any other with the same genre. Just my suggestion tho, you don't have to take it too seriously.

The thing is if the game itself is good and better than the others then whenever people see the name it's this game they will recall instead of all the countless other ones. So it could be a good thing as well.


Question, do you need to stay subbed to the Patreon for the fully nude version or is a one time suscription enough?

you do need to keep pledging on patreon for as long as you'd like to receive the rewards.

Is there a way for this to be on Android,want to play it, but don't trust downloading it from other websites, and downloading it will make it run better

Have you heard of this tool called Joiplay? It says this application can help to play renpy games on Android devices. All you need is Jioplay and PC version of the game (and possibly a unzipper)

so basically, download that app, download pc version of it, and it'll work? 


It works for most renpy games. so its worth a try, you can look at this tutorial for how to set that up. 

it worked, thank you

I tried it but can't play cuz of errors

just tried the emulator its too buggy at the start

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

another chance is currently not playable on android.


Are there any plans for a mobile port? Also, very nice game!

thank you for the kind words! an android version is very likely to happen in the future, but it's not one of our immediate priorities.


Mr Jotape, is pregnancy planned or planning to be added?

as far as i know, no immediate plans at least!

How exactly do i get new missions?

you can toggle the quest guide™ on and then select "unstarted quests".

if no new quests show up, that means you've reached the end of the current release! another chance is still in early development, with updates at the start of each month.

I can't use the Tilde Vision.

you might have to press different keys, depending on your keyboard layout! i personally have to hold down shift and then press the acute/grave accent  key twice in quick sequence for it to work.

Well, I have literally no idea, how to do it. I know how to use the Tilde Key to write, but the same way, doesn't work in the game.

On my keyboard, it is Alt Gr Key and the Tilde Key to write it.

could you please try pressing the same combinations of keys as you would to write the grave accent?

I tried it already, but nothing happened.


hi, everyone! we now have an up to date walkthrough for gallery replays:

please check it out if you're having trouble unlocking any of them!


Thank you :)

I seem to be stuck in the mission “hooking up”.

I’m stuck in the cafeteria. The hints say wait one hour, but the date/time button is unclickable.

Is there a key binding for waiting?


do you have any other quests active?

I do, I kind of figured it out. I started the cafeteria investigation during the dream sequence with Kate and the other cheerleaders that involved hiding under a desk.

I just had to reload a save from an hour or so ago, and skip through everything until I got to that part.

ah, okay. glad it got resolved!


I made an account just for this. YOU NEED TO HAVE COMPLETED THE QUEST “TABLE MANNERS” OR YOU CANNOT COMPLETE HOOKING UP.  You will get soft locked and your only hint is “wait 1 hour”, it’s a simple bug but can wreak havoc if you have to reload a far away save like this guy had to. After the dream involving Kate but more specifically the one with Jo’s moment of depravity, you can then complete Hooking up. I looked for guides and answers for nearly an hour because Maxine is by far my favorite and I had to see this shit through. I dealt with the frustration so anyone else doesn’t have to.


could you please send the busted save file to jotapê#5380 on discord so i can try to fix this issue? it should be stored in your
C:\Users\Your_Name\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\AnotherChance-1581295674 folder

How to get usb cable?

what quest is that cable from?


Is there any way to download the game on a chromebook? if so, how?

can we transfer saves between versions 


your save files are not stored in the game folder, but rather in your C:\Users\Your_Name\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\AnotherChance-1581295674 folder, so they should transfer automatically when you download a new update!

how do I do the mission the ley of the land

after lindsey falls down the entrance hall stairs and maxine tells you there's a disturbance in the magnetic field, you have to choose between "Listen to Maxine" and "Try to help Lindsey". choose the former and you'll start the lay of the land.

if you have already played through lindsey's nothing wrong with me quest, you'll have to either start a new save, or simply use the chapter select menu.

is there any way to do both events, like help lindsey and do maxine's ley of land

not in the same save file, no.

Hey does anyone know if this will be made for android at one point?


an android version is very likely to happen in the future, but it's not one of our immediate priorities.


Thanks at least theres hope now

I can play this game on my android by using Joiplay emulator


will pregnancy be added?

I gave the lollipop to the sister instead of the cake and now a bunch of quests are blocked because I needed the lollipop for something else. I don't know if that is intentional but there isn't a way for me to find another one. It should just respawn in the nurse's office every time you take it. I did every other quest I could but there are multiple storylines blocked off because of that dumb piece of candy

you can always buy lollipops from the first floor vending machine

you can buy additional lollipops in this vending machine for a dollar each: 

he is talking about the lolipop at nurse's room, that is the big one, it is not the one dollar lolipop, 

Mrs.L is blocking my way to do the Twisted Desire. How can i make her get out

could you please expand on this issue?

I'm stucking in here, how to beat this mission

what does the phone hint for this quest say? and do you have any other quests active?

most likely he jumped out of the window during detention for eating outing canteen 🤔

no hint

i mean the phone hint. you can find it here:

are you willing to do an Android version?

an android version is very likely to happen in the future, but it's not one of our immediate priorities.

I almost got all of them but how would u unlock this scene?


Thank you for the info. I can now fully complete the gallery thanks.

how do i get this scene?



Also how to I get the last two

these are just empty boxes. they'll get filled as new quests are released!

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